Important Tips For Women Divorcing An Abusive Husband

No woman ever plans to end up in an abusive marriage, but sadly, it happens a lot. If you are frightened of an abusive husband, taking steps to a successful divorce may seem daunting, especially if you worry about what he will do if he learns of your plans. For making the safest exit from the home of an abusive husband, follow these tips. Getting To A Safe Place Is Vital [Read More]

Bouncing Back After Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you had filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may wonder how much damage the ordeal will do to your credit in the coming years. While filing for bankruptcy is usually a last-ditch effort to remove debt, you can salvage your financial reputation for the future. Here are some steps to take after filing for bankruptcy in an attempt to stabilize your future financial outlook. Taking On the Mindset of Using Cash Over Credit [Read More]

3 Signs You Need And Attorney When You Get Injured At Work

If you get injured at work, you may be worried about facing a great number of consequences for the incident. You may worry about how you are going to pay for your medical expenses or feel that you may have your job threatened as you take time off work to heal. While in many cases employers are very cooperative when it comes to employee at-work injuries, there are times when hiring a personal injury attorney is your best defense to securing the finances you need to pay your medical bills and get back to work. [Read More]

What Happens When The IRS Issues A Bank Levy For Owed Taxes?

If you owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, there is a possibility that the agency could issue a levy on your bank account. When this occurs, the agency has the right to take all of the funds from your account and apply them towards the taxes owed. If you have been notified that a levy is going to be issued, here is what you need to know. [Read More]