3 Things You Need To Know Before Taking Out A Bail Bond For Someone

Taking out a bail bond for someone is not just a matter of whether you care for them or whether you believe they are innocent or not. There is a lot that goes into the bond process and you are putting yourself in a legally binding situation. The last thing you want to do is to walk into a bond office without any idea of what is going to be expected of you and what the process will be like. To help make sure that you are well prepared to decide whether you want to make an appointment at the bail bonds office, you will want to read through the following:

You Will Need Some Amount Of Cash

The exact amount of cash that you will need to contribute to the bond will vary depending on the bondsman's policy and the amount that the bond is set at. The higher the bond, the more money you are likely to need. Many bail bondsmen will have a policy that requires an amount, such as ten percent, to be paid upfront in cash, but you will need to verify this with the bondsman you decide to use. 

You Will Hear From The Bondsman A Lot

You are putting yourself in a position to be the main contact person if the bondsman is unable to get a hold of the defendant for whatever reason. They can also come to your home to search for them if they do not appear for their appointments or for their court hearing. You will want to make sure that the person you are trying to get bailed out of jail is not going to be a flight risk.

You Need Some Collateral

Many bail bondsmen will require that you put up some sort of collateral, such as the deed to your home or the title to your vehicle. Should the person you are having bailed out of jail not return for their court dates, the amount you borrowed to get them out of jail will be due in full. If you are unable to pay that, you could end up losing whatever it was that you put up as collateral.

Now that you have had the chance to get a better understanding of just what it is that is going to be expected of you, you can decide if you want to move forward with the bail bonds process. If you are ready to apply for a bail bond, you will want to call around to see which bail bondsman is available to meet with you. The longer you wait, the longer your friend or family member will have to stay in jail. Set up an appointment and gather all of the information you need so the process will be as smooth as possible.

If you need to bail someone out of jail, reach out to a local bail bonds company, such as Albert Ramirez Bail Bonds
